Mandala Nascent Sun

Mandala Nascent Sun
Mandala Nascent Sun
Mandala Nascent Sun
Mandala Nascent Sun
Mandala Nascent Sun
Mandala Nascent Sun
Mandala Nascent Sun
Mandala Nascent Sun
Mandala Nascent Sun
Mandala Nascent Sun
Mandala Nascent Sun
Mandala Nascent Sun
Mandala Nascent Sun
Mandala Nascent Sun
Mandala Nascent Sun
Mandala Nascent Sun
Mandala Nascent Sun
Mandala Nascent Sun
Mandala Nascent Sun
Mandala Nascent Sun

Mandala Nascent Sun

€62,99 €69,99 10% OFF

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Mandala Nascent Sun

This is not just a puzzle — it is a wooden puzzle. It will be a great gift for both a child and an adult. 

The Sun is more than just a star in the sky; it's a heartwarming symbol for the ages. Remember your friend's childhood freckles? That flawless tan from your latest vacation? Or the first time you rode a bike and swam in a pond during a magical summer? The Sun has lit up all these moments, making them brighter and more memorable.

Meet our Emerging Sun Mandala wooden puzzle. It's more than just a puzzle—it's an experience. Crafted to celebrate the Sun's emotional pull, it captures our most cherished memories. As you put it together, you'll feel your heart warm. It's like revisiting those glowing memories and filling up on joy and energy.

The design of the puzzle is intricate, just like a colorful kaleidoscope. Each piece has a texture that invites your touch, deepening your bond with the image. In the center of the Mandala is a captivating fire flower you can assemble on its own. A special lacquer finish makes our Sun truly sparkle, thanks to Unidragon's unique Unitouch technology.

The puzzle boasts elaborate geometric cuts that are more than just beautiful. They're also smart. It's a perfect mix of artistic flair and mathematical precision, aimed at making the assembly as fulfilling as it is challenging.

We've upgraded our gift packaging, making it even more stylish. It now comes with black trim and shiny lid accents that amplify the Sun's glow. The box isn't just a container; it's part of the celebration. Plus, it's designed to stand upright, serving as a decorative piece on your shelf.

Gift this puzzle to a friend whose spirit could use a little sunshine, or to someone whose brilliance leaves you in awe. Better yet, treat yourself. Warm your soul, touch the mystical ancient symbol, and recharge your inner strength. After all, we could all use a touch of ancient wisdom and a dash of solar power to light up our lives.

Um jogo excitante é adequado para crianças e adultos em idade escolar.

Size M - 25×25 cm (A4) (9.8x9.8 in) - 200 pcs - middle complexity, age 14+, puzzling time 2-4 hours.

King Size - 33×33 cm (A3) (13x13 in) - 350 pcs - high complexity, age 14+, puzzling time 4-6 hours.

Royal Size - 45×45 cm (A2) (17.7x17.7 in) - 700 pcs - very high complexity, age 14+, puzzling time 6-8 hours.


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The Sun is a sacred image symbolizing strength, passion, courage, joy, and eternal youth

Mandala Nascent Sun
Unique Unitouch Technology

Textured printing and lacquer finish bring the sun to life under your fingertips

Mandala Nascent Sun

New eye-catching box with glossy accents that can stand on its edge

Captivating assembly

Unique geometric cuts with shaped pieces

Mandala Nascent Sun

A mesmerizing fire flower at the center can be assembled separately

Incredibly detailed and intricate illustration

Mandala Nascent Sun

No two pieces are the same!

Mandala Nascent Sun
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Um conjunto sozinho permitirá que você pendure 6 quebra-cabeças pequenos, 3 quebra-cabeças médios ou 3 quebra-cabeças King Size.

Cole o papelão na superfície.

Passo 1.

Cole o papelão na superfície.

Underlay incluído

Mova o quebra-cabeça para o papelão.

Passo 2.

Mova o quebra-cabeça para o papelão.

Vire o quebra-cabeça.

Etapa 3.

Vire o quebra-cabeça.

Cole o filme no quebra-cabeça.

Passo 4.

Cole o filme no quebra-cabeça.

Suavize o filme sobre o quebra-cabeça.

Etapa 5.

Suavize o filme sobre o quebra-cabeça.

Corte o excesso de filme.

Etapa 6.

Corte o excesso de filme.

Coloque os saltos de cola na fita.

Etapa 7.

Coloque os saltos de cola na fita.

It is removable and will not damage your walls

Fixe o quebra-cabeça na parede.

Step 8.

Fixe o quebra-cabeça na parede.

Em estoque

Agora você pode facilmente transformar seu quebra-cabeça em uma peça de decoração de interiores para sua casa, escritório ou em qualquer lugar.

O kit inclui:

  • Uma base de papelão para virar o quebra-cabeça;
  • Autocolantes especiais para fixar a base à mesa;
  • Etiquetas adesivas para unir as peças do puzzle (3 folhas);
  • Patches adesivos para prender o quebra-cabeça na superfície desejada;
  • Patches adesivos para prender o quebra-cabeça na superfície desejada;
  • Instruções.

O sistema de fixação é universal para todos os quebra-cabeças e tamanhos

Em estoque

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Inlandslieferungen erfolgen in nur 2-3 Tagen and costs from 5.99 €.


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